Becoming Mortal



A reflective collection of poems. The book includes an extended poem called The Fall which deals with sin and guilt.



A somewhat subdued book.

Many of the included poems explore issues surrounding the human state and mortality. My initial theme was around the loss of innocence.  However, the poems didn’t reflect this. The initial working title for the book, The Fall, no longer seemed to fit. I eventually settled on Becoming Mortal which more accurately seemed to capture the mood of the book.

For interest, I was reading Shakespeare at the time of writing. Although not stated in the text, Verse Envy is my own very modest nod in his direction.

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There is no hope. The best of us

dressed and undressed in that simple

state. Captured between unconscious

sleep and awakening we have filled with symbol


and an ocean of imagining.

In this fugue, are refused

our will. Instead, rely on what mind might bring

looted from our actions. Reduced


to the ridiculous or elevated. Themes

which entangle us, too senseless

to reconcile themselves. No means

of escape, we are rendered defenceless.


The price to pay

for passage. An actor

stumbling through our own play

speaking lines, we can’t remember.



The list grows fat and ugly. Towers

over me. Larkin’s toad with all-too broad arse

squat upon unused yet disappearing hours.

Progress feckless: arrives in fits and starts.


Want a job finished? Go ask a busy man.

Not one entangled in poetry, philosophy,

price of abstract fish. Man to make a plan

and stick to it. Skills learned on a father’s knee –


practical stuff and other such crap. Poverty a cure.

No slippage when hunger comes to call.

Keeps you focussed. Try making obscure

points when those gnarled hands cup your balls.


Lay poets end to end, light a fuse, and run.

Explodes like a fart. Noisy. But no damage done.

Dying Flowers


The vase has been left too long. Petals dipped

falling away from sun. Bloom transformed

into a paler, more dour display. Vigour stripped

so the rod-like shoots which formed


that skyward bountiful first thrust of growing

now bend silently as if in prayer, heads bowed.

Leaves no longer firm. Last vestige of life ebbing

they cloak the body in a drained, green shroud.


Yet there is beauty here. A shabby elegance

in that inevitable decline. Battle lines drawn

on careworn frame, each furrow presents

its own history. And much as we might mourn,


purpose discharged. Stems clumped together

to be discarded, tipped from glass captivity.

Although faded, blossom perished forever,

we strive to remember their younger glory.   

Pretend to Be Someone Else Entirely


In drifting between sleep and full awakening

embrace a dream. Think of unlikely things

marked only by scant chance of ever happening.

Weigh what your wish might bring


both good and bad. And in that bodiless state

let thought and structure wash away

to reach a place in which you can relate

to all aspects of change, assume any shape, play


any part in that story of your own creation.

Next, move too-and-fro. Flex your adopted cage.

In doing so, understand its joys and limitations.

Measure your real life against that marriage


of longing and avarice; a fresh script.

An exercise for oneself: to look through the eyes

of our desires – wear a coveted life to find it

a false fit – revealed as one of our many lies.